
Tuesday 30 August 2011

Different artist name and ditching 100Modem

It's time to start another fresh project and for that I need another name. I think 100Modem is more like a channel or username where I put other stuff like concerts Ive been to, but regarding music it may be not the most suitable one. That is why I'm ditching 100Modem regarding music making.
100Modem was a name I come up with in 2007, and quickly made it my artist name, but now I see it also has problems. First of all it was meant to be a 100% Portuguese project, it literally means in Portuguese "without modem", where "100" also means "without" in my language. When I created the name, I did this with that intention. But after some years I started to do things only in English and "one hundred modem" (in ENG) is not a good name in my opinion. Since I wont do more stuff in PT (except with musician friends but that isn't a part of 100Modem at all) its time to pick another name.
I also think that 100Modem was the start for me regarding music making. Now that I've become better in that process over these years, a fresh new name is the best thing to do.
Dont worry, Sonic V will come out, but not as 100Modem, just with a different name and website too, but unfortunately this represents a delay.
Right now, I'm already thinking about a new and permanent name, and I will post It here when the official website for it is also online.
100Modem channel will continue to be up on Youtube, so has my twitter account and this site here in blogspot, where I will put updates like concerts and respective photos or videos. As for new music, I may still upload stuff there in the beginning but with my new artist name. Then Ill move to the new account.
Once Ive got it all sorted, i will post here all the information.

Monday 29 August 2011

Yeah i'm still alive

I've been working on the other album so i got little time to go here. Ill be giving Sonic V latest touches soon.

Like ive said in other posts, I'm also recording another album, but that one has vocals so it's more time consuming.